
Thursday 10 March 2016

... And We Have Lift Off!

10 - Today is day three of Gideon opening his mouth for solids.

9 - I had the dietitian in today and Gideon is finally over 17 pounds! (17 pounds 3 oz)

8 - Gideon has also reached the 15% mark for his length! (80cm)

7 - He is sideline shuffling around the room and, when on his tummy, lifting his head off the ground and pushing backwards with his hands!

6 - When I put him in sitting position, I can let him sit unassisted for up to maybe 5-10 seconds.

5 - He can make his teddy bear "Jump" and Wiggle" when directed to.

4 - Rolling a ball back a forth with someone is one of Gideon's favourite games.

3 - He is happy; He laughs.  He smiles.  He smirks in such a contagious way.  His dimples could melt any heart.

2 - Gideon is exploring the world around him.  He is curious yet cautious.  He problem solves when he shuffles himself into a corner.

1 - Gideon is making progress.  He is growing, developing. learning; becoming a beautiful little boy that I am so very proud of and love beyond words.

... we have lift off.

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